What is a Commitment?

What is a Commitment?

A word that is usually easy to say, but hard to define. How will you know if a person is committed? How will you know if they are not – or if YOU are not?

When we look into Meriam Webster, commitment is an agreement or pledge to do something in the future; the state or an instance of being obligated or emotionally impelled.

(1) It has a parallel meaning in terms of philosophical research. Commitment is like a promise to keep, a sense of dedication that transcends all other considerations.

(2) However, in our modern world, many people tend to enter a commitment, but it seems that the meaning of that commitment can be voided by just a piece of paper. It’s easy to just rip off the promise that was made, and forget about the sense of dedication required.

Commitment needs a lot of sacrifices, of choosing to proceed with what you promised, regardless of whatever is right or wrong. As of today, many people believed in the saying “e;“ Promises are meant to be broken”; – but should we live by that?

The time runs so fast that we want to be part of that busy mantra, without thinking, how should we do each task? We can build something, or create something but are we doing this with the commitment to deliver the purpose of this task? Or we are just doing it for the sake of other factors like money, etc.

In marriage, for example, a couple promised to be there for each other, for better or for worse, for sickness or in health till death do them part – but are they? Lucky for those who are committed and stand by their promise until the end. As for others, sadly, with just one big wave of problems, they collapsed. They forgot what they promised and the pledge that was made in the eyes of God and of State.

What are the things that we need to remember when we promise or we pledge into something?

One thing you can do is to keep it SACRED. Don’t just say it, but always DO IT. Whatever the circumstances are, you must persevere to deliver the purpose that’s needed on that commitment that you enter. The second thing – be always READY to take responsibility. Commitment is not just fulfilling a promise or a task, but you also need to be responsible for all of the outcomes and all of the hiccups you may encounter as you carry on with that task. FOCUS on your main goal – always look at the finish line. To survive something, you need to motivate yourself for the benefits and the possible results of what you are doing right now. For example, a commitment to love yourself. Look just how this will benefit you if you will just focus on the things that you can do as you carry on with this. Make yourself the motivation for you to complete that committed task.

CONSISTENCY is the key

This part is hard to maintain. People usually become lousy as times goes by. We forget how eager we are at the beginning of each task. We must religiously attend to everything, have a sense of pattern and an effective system to deliver a purpose.

Lastly, never forget to be CREATIVE in your own way. Life is boring without spice. We have our different ways of fulfilling a certain task. To keep yourself on track towards the goal, being yourself is one thing you can do. Apply your bright ideas, and always use your bright mind in delivering that certain purpose.

Try to think of something you’ve done today, and ask yourself, are you committed to that particular task? Are you consistent in attending to that task? Are you focused on your goal and
committed to whatever you do? When worst comes to worst, are you willing to continue that task?

At the end of the day, all the results will always be based on how committed you are. Consistency, creativity, focus, and the motivation to stay on track will be your weapon to see how far you can go.

Commitment is not something that you can always say, but it is something that you can do. Prove to yourself and to everybody that promises are never meant to be broken. Being committed to delivering a purpose is also a sense of fulfillment.

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