Why do we hate Socrates so much?

Three Wise Monkeys
Mankind has been in the search of various forms of knowledge since the dawn of human civilization. But at the same time, history reveals that knowledge can be intimidating to us. It can be so powerful which can break our existing belief systems. For those in power, this is a threat to their position and status. Hence, they try to keep the knowledge in check by any means possible to serve their interests. Isn’t that why we hate Socrates so much? He was far ahead of his time, and thus, he served his fate for being the wisest of all by having to drink Hemlock. Democracy was saved!

Why do we hate Socrates so much?

Simply put, Socrates’ knowledge and wisdom were getting out of hand, and there was no other way than to put him down to rest forever. He was an extraordinary human being who spent most of his life educating the young souls of Athens in terms of his unique style of rhetoric, which we call the “Socratic Method” today. The Oracle of Delphi even pronounced him the wisest man in Athens. He went on to investigate this claim, only to end up gaining even more enemies. Later, he was condemned for corrupting the city’s youth and was sentenced to death. Problem solved!
What did he do wrong? The reason is clear: he exposed the so-called wise men to their false sense of wisdom and made them feel inferior in knowledge to him. In other words, his knowledge and wisdom were considered a threat to the powerful in Athenian society. Knowledge is, in fact, intimidating.
“Knowledge is intimidating. Ignorance is bliss!” – Anonymous

It’s still the same today!

Even today, we are not ready to accept someone’s knowledge and wisdom with ease. It still intimidates us in some bizarre kind of ways. And it happens in our daily life as well. Going back to school days, if you were the smartest kid in the class, you were most likely to be ridiculed by other “not-so-smart” kids, which we call bullies. And it doesn’t stop there. As you grow up, you will face numerous situations where your knowledge and intelligence might get you in trouble. With experience, you learn that it’s best to keep your ideas to yourself. “You are not supposed to challenge your parents and teachers, because they are always right.” That’s what we are taught from the beginning. Tone down your intelligence or risk facing the fate of Socrates. Never be the smartest person in the room! That’s the rule!

Why is knowledge so intimidating

Socrates was able to distinguish between honest ignorance and pretentious wisdom. He admitted his ignorance, and at the same time questioned the knowledge of those in power. Knowledge is intimidating because it is harder to control. It challenges the status quo and existing authority, power, and beliefs.
But at the end of the day, knowledge is the food for the soul. No matter how much Socrates’ contemporaries hated him back in his days, his teachings and methods of argument marked a major shift in philosophy as we know it today. Knowledge will always flourish.

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